Our Patron Saint – St. Jerome

St. Jerome was born is Dalmatia in about 340 A.D. In Rome, where he was baptized at the age of 18, he studied his faith and the living languages of his era, especially Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. After years of study, Jerome set out for Palestine, where he spent some years in seclusion and prayer. He was ordained in 380, and then settled in Bethlehem where he devoted himself to the task of translating the Old and New Testaments from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. This Vulgate Edition was welcomed by his contemporaries, for Latin was then the universal language. St. Jerome died in Bethlehem in 420. He was later named Confessor (one who has given heroic testimony to the faith) and Doctor of the Church (a writer known for his brilliant exposition and skillful defense of doctrine). His feast day is September 30.

-Novena Prayer to St. Jerome.-

O blessed St. Jerome, our Patron and our guide, humbly we ask that you intercede for us before God, and that our petitions this day will be answered.
We ask your blessing on the poor, the sick and the unemployed of our parish. Bless all married couples, the young and the old.
Grant that those who have heard the call to serve as ministers of your Church, will receive a special blessing this day.
Pray for us, St. Jerome, that our parish community will always remain united in the love that only Christ can bring.
May your word and example be our strength and our consolation.

-Oración de la Novena a San Jerónimo. (Espanol)-

San Jerónimo bendito, tú que eres el Santo Patrón de nuestra parroquia, humildemente te pedimos que intercedes ante Dios por nosotros, para que las peticiones que hacemos hoy sean escuchadas.
Te pedimos que bendigas a todos los pobres de esta parroquia, a los enfermos, y a los desempleados.
Bendice a todos los matrimonios, a los jóvenes, a los niños y a los ancianos. Que todos aquellos que escucharon tu llamado a server como ministros reciban una bendición especial en este día.
Intercede, San Jerónimo, para que esta comunidad permanezca unida en el amor de Cristo.
Que tu palabra nos alimente espiritualmente y aumente nuestra fe.