Dear Friends and Parishioners of Saint Jerome,
Pax Christi semper vobiscum!
We continue to live in moments of uncertainty. We are challenged to find new meaning on how to live our lives each day. We try our best to see other possibilities in coping with situations that generate fear. However, we are assured that God is with us.
Our Religious Education Program will resume during the second week of September. This year will be different for everyone, as the academic platform has shifted from the classroom to remote virtual learning. Our catechists will need to exert double effort in passing along the Faith to our young children. Creativity is the key, in accommodating the new “normal” as many say. In all this, we are assured that God is with us.
Our ministries strive to form new disciples in vibrant and life-giving faith communities. Our collaboration and participation in the life of the Parish, allow us to discover the depth of our call to discipleship. Self-denial and sacrifice are significant factors that define the ultimate meaning of our Christian life. Our endeavors and plans will be successful if we learn to entrust our projects in the Providence of God. For we are assured that God is with us.
I thank many of you who continue to participate in our parish life. Challenged as we are in our economic operations, our food sales, and other donations from our generous donors allow us to pay our monthly Archdiocesan Assessments. We have pending projects such as the bell tower restoration, the church chime restoration, the building tuck-pointing, the boiler replacement as well as the school and convent window replacement. It sounds overwhelming. Yes, indeed, thinking about all these needs is energy- depleting. I am a firm believer that God will use the same community where He is present, to accomplish both the spiritual and material projects that are meant to glorify Him in our midst. In all of this, trust is the key to know that God is with us.
I hope that our newly confirmed youth of last weekend may find the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as their primary inspiration to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. Let us hope that their full integration into the life of the Church transforms their hearts and minds to become witnesses of the life of Jesus Christ.
May they recognize that God is their companion and constant guide in their journey to growth in holiness and success in their spiritual battles
Finally, please make sure to attend our parish Town Hall Meeting as we present to you the different Renew My Church scenarios that our Parish Discerning Team has reflected upon for the Rogers Park and Edgewater neighborhood. We shall conduct our meeting under the tent by the small parking lot this Monday, August 31st, at 7:00pm.
Sincerely in Christ and Mary,