Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Jerome,
Pax Christi semper vobiscum!
During this past spring I informed you that the second phase of the renovation of the chapel in the convent building would need to continue sometime during the year. This repair is due to the structural collapse of the roof over the convent chapel from a heavy snowfall and subsequent rains in February. Unfortunately, the structural design of the interior ceiling was badly damaged also, which requires attention to keep it safe. The pictures that appear in the middle section of this weekend’s bulletin will give you an idea of the actual condition of the areas that were affected by the storm damage. Like any other parish building, the convent requires continuous maintenance.
In addition to the structural collapse of the convent roof, there is water damage on the northeast and northwest walls of the chapel. Immediate tuckpointing work is needed before the interior renovation can happen. Please be cautious and vigilant when near the scaffolding that has been assembled by the entrance of the Notre Dame Chapel. The restoration of the convent building anticipates its use for the ministries that the Sisters will carry out when they come in December of this year. They will conduct an after-school program for our second-generation Latino children. The program shall cover the doctrinal aspects of the Catholic religion as well as instruction on the language and heritage that is associated with the Hispanic culture and tradition. This after-school program will offer an opportunity for our second-generation immigrant families to enhance their integration into the American culture by understanding their own roots, historical and religious traditions, and family values that are associated with their cultural origin.
On another note, the first half of the election of the Parish Council took place a couple of weeks ago. Magdalena Manzanares was elected as Chairperson of the Parish Council, Sue Biver as the Vice-Chairperson and Ana Manzanares as Secretary. The group of parish leaders and various parishioners in attendance also elected the first five Parish Council members. We will have the continuation of the election for the remaining four members of the Parish Council sometime towards the end of October. Please be aware that whoever is willing and capable to serve our people in this important role as a member of the Parish Council (whether affiliated with a parish group or not) is invited to be a part of the process. More information will be given to you about the election in the coming days.
Lastly, I would like to thank Vicky and Rene Arizmendi for their untiring service to the parish, especially during the most challenging time of the pandemic. Their dedication to service is inspiring. They worked with other parishioners selflessly and consistently in preparing for us a worship space according to the Covid19 protocols to avoid the spread of the virus. We recently recognized them with the Christifidelis Award not to single them out among others; but rather, to thank them especially for what they have done for us.
Thank you for supporting our parish ministries. You know that our consistent participation brings us together as the people that God would like us to be. I will see you next weekend.
Sincerely in Christ and Mary,