Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time  

Dear Friends and Parishioners of Saint Jerome,

Pax Christi semper vobiscum!

Thank you for supporting our biggest fund-raising event of the year, our Kermes Festival. Your presence and participation are great contributions to the continuation of our parish ministries. As I mentioned in the past, our goal is to bring our people together as we build a community of believers. Our fundraising income, though important, is secondary. We believe that our projects are meant to create an atmosphere of hospitality and camaraderie among the people of our diverse ethnic backgrounds. Our differences are meant to give glory to the One who made each of us unique. Gratitude is our best response to God who made us all extraordinary in so many ways. Kermes is the proof of our rich diversity, and to celebrate it means to elevate in reverence the One who creatively fashioned us.

Yet the work must be accomplished according to God’s dream for us. He wants us to be united and live in harmony with each other to build God’s Kingdom today. The opportunity to grow is given during our interaction with each other. Our creativity is enhanced upon sharing our thoughts and ideas during our encounters. This is what makes Kermes an opportunity for our parish to be the breeding ground of an encounter with both friends and strangers each of whom bears within the image and likeness of Jesus in our midst. Eat! Dance! Drink moderately! Enjoy the moment! All for the glory of God who is in our midst when we gather in His Name.

Thank you again for your support to this great parish event.

Sincerely in Christ and Mary,