Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Jerome,
Pax Christi semper vobiscum!
Before anything else, I would like to thank the committee who worked so hard in putting together the Velada event. My gratitude also to the families who helped us make it a big success. We brought in a good amount of additional funds for the church roof repair. As mentioned before, we already have a contractor signed up for the job. The church roof repair will begin soon. This bulletin shows also a similar roof problem in the convent building. It is minimal damage compared to the church; however, it needs to be addressed. Otherwise, all that we have invested in the convent restoration would be wasted. So far, there are no major leaks in the convent ceiling other than in the awnings. Perhaps, this would be something that we could address as soon as the church roof is fixed.
We have four couples for the Communal Wedding next Saturday morning. I would like to ask our parish to pray for them in their decision to make their union a sacrament. They are being presented this weekend during the 12:00pm Mass so that we can give them the Blessing of Engaged Couples. It is also a blessing for our parish to have them enter this very important lifelong commitment. The Sacramental Preparation Team played a very important role in preparing them for a sacramental marriage. I would like to thank them for their time and dedication as they accompanied our couples during the preparation process.
As planned, the rededication of the Convent Chapel will be on November 20th after the 12:00pm Mass. Bishop Mark Bartosic will be the main celebrant of the Mass. He will also lead us in procession with the Blessed Sacrament that will be enthroned in the Chapel tabernacle. The Chapel will be called: “The Divine Providence Chapel.” This is in recognition of the group of sisters who used the convent building when Saint Jerome School was in its full function. The Sisters of Divine Providence were the nuns who staffed the school and ministered in various ways to the people of Saint Jerome in the foundation.
Aside from remembering the Sisters of Divine Providence, I have to admit that the tedious renovation of the Convent building is being completed by God’s providence through the inspiration of a dedicated group of people who have willingly offered their time and talents for this cause. Saint Joseph played a very important role and orchestrated the entire work behind the scenes.
There were plenty of instances where the economic situation of our parish was challenged over the past months. We have plenty of bills, heating pipes were broken, and immediate repairs needed to be done in the school building while we continue to have low Sunday collection. We continue to raise funds and sell food almost every weekend and the parish payroll remains an inevitable responsibility that our parish has to pay. I am always amazed that, in the end, we can get by each month as some parishioners and friends stepped forward to generously share their resources for the cause of our parish ministries. If not for the hidden intervention of God through Saint Joseph, how else can we get by each month?
Before the convent re-dedication happens, it is important that we also prepare spiritually. Thus, last Friday afternoon the sisters began the Novena of Preparation for the coming of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to the Convent Chapel of Divine Providence. This is an open invitation if there is anyone in the parish who would like to join the sisters in prayer every afternoon at 3:00pm in the Convent Chapel. Access to the Chapel is through the middle side door of the Convent building. The Novena of Preparation will be prayed until the Saturday prior to the Convent blessing and re-dedication. Please communicate with the sisters if you would like to be one of the sponsors at the re-dedication ceremony. Know that your donations will be used for their ministry to the young children of the Latino School of Culture, Language and Religion. Sponsors will receive spiritual favors, as the sisters are praying for their benefactors each day as a form of gratitude for their generosity.
Finally, know that I am always grateful for all your support of the various ministries of our parish. God knows how to repay you.
Sincerely in Christ and Mary,