Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Jerome,
Pax Christi semper vobiscum!
This is an update regarding the convent renovation. The sisters will move into the convent on the 1st day of November. There are still some odds and ends that need repair and restoration; however, the living quarters are already renovated and the basic part of the house such as kitchen, laundry area, dining room, receiving room and the chapel are in good condition. The blessing and rededication of the convent is planned for the Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King of the Universe. I will give you more details about this exciting event as soon as everything is in place.
I have two important reminders: All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please make an extra effort to come to Mass. It would be good to invoke the name of each Saint during the Entrance Procession, as we all know that they intercede for us before God. Significantly, we will commemorate our faithful departed on the following day (November 2nd). During the Solemn Mass in the evening, the names of those who died during the pandemic over the last two years will be specifically mentioned. Also, the faithful departed need our prayers. It would be a good opportunity for all of us to remember them as a community at least during this very specific day of All Souls.
A second important reminder is about the privilege that is attached to the High Altar of our church. As the document of dedication says, those who come to church on the 6th day of November will receive a Plenary Indulgence during their Mass attendance. Granted that we are not in a state of mortal sin, then, this spiritual favor will be bestowed upon us. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturday evening before the 5:00pm Mass. Please make yourself available for this rare occasion and spiritual privilege.
Lastly, my gratitude to those who participated in our event of the Velada. Though this is primarily cultural in nature, I hope that many remained conscious of the main purpose of this gathering. We wanted to honor and celebrate the life of our faithful departed. In addition, the entire month of November will be dedicated to praying for our beloved deceased as we are reminded of them by the flickering yellow candles in the sanctuary.
Thank you for your constant support to the ministries of our parish.
Sincerely in Christ and Mary,