Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Jerome,

Pax Christi semper vobiscum.

As is customary, the Archdiocesan fiscal year begins in the month of July. This is a good opportunity for us to call our attention to the examination and evaluation of the various Parish Ministries and to the execution of the various roles that many of us have assumed over the past several years. Please know that the changes that will take place in the coming days will reflect the continuation of the reconfiguration and restructuring of the different areas of our Parish Ministries in order that we may better accomplish the mission that we have here at Saint Jerome.

The “New Reality” that is being proposed to us by the Renew My Church program will surely be accommodated in our parish beginning with the availability of our Staff on a weekly basis. The role of the Parish Council and its members as well as the Finance Council will be very important in redefining the Mission of Saint Jerome. It is a blessing, but also a challenge, for all of us to see a different face of the Parish Ministries amid the post-pandemic period combined with the follow up of the RMC process. “Where do we go from here?” should be our common inquiry. Where is the Holy Spirit leading us?

Over the last few weekends, we have been reflecting together about the mission of Jesus Christ at Saint Jerome as well as our participation in that same mission. Know that we are challenged by the signs of the times to truly commit to our call as true disciples of Jesus Christ. Our definition of the mission, as well as our contribution of time, talent, and treasure for the purpose of Christ’s ministry, should be the factor for us to remain inspired as we move forward together as members of Saint Jerome parish.

I would like to call on all the members of the different groups of our parish to meet with your leaders next week and revisit the goal of your respective organizations. In this way, everyone will be able to discern with certainty whether their group is still willing to pursue the different apostolates that are proper to their organizational goals.

As the Missionary Sisters of St. John begin the Summer Camp for kids next week, I ask that you pray for them and their volunteers for a safe and successful event. The Parish Council will meet next Sunday afternoon, and I would like to encourage you to bring to their attention any issues you think are important and significant to our parish. The role of the Parish Council is to envision with the Pastor the lead of the Holy Spirit as to the different Parish Ministries we would like to make available to our parish community.

Please consider coming forward as members of those Parish Ministries, as available manpower and support lends towards a better execution of the ministries. I mentioned during my homily last weekend the opportunities that are available to serve in the parish through the various groups. Please consider being a part of one of those ministries as a way of returning to God your gifts and talents in a spirit of service.

Finally, I would like to thank Deacon Fritz for his dedication and generosity in serving the Church through Saint Jerome for so many years. Let us pray that he may continue to grow in holiness by reflecting profoundly on the Word of God and the Eucharist. Please thank him personally also for his joyful service.

I shall see you next weekend. God bless.

Sincerely in Christ and Mary,