Dear Friends and Parishioners of Saint Jerome,
Christ has risen and He will never die again! The wounds of the Crucifixion remained yet they were transformed into a memory of the work of love that He did for God’s people. Christ has risen from the dead to restore our lives and to share life with Him. Our call to discipleship will always be a challenge if we choose to live our commitment each day.
For many of us who participated fully in our Lenten discipline, God’s blessings remain with us. For many of us who took the Holy Week observance to heart, God’s blessings remain with us. For many of us who took some time off to join our parish for the celebration of the Sacred Triduum, the Lord’s blessings are with us. For many who did not participate in any of the Lenten observances, the Lord’s grace remains
with you. However, our personal spiritual disposition determines the depth of our encounter with God; and the meaningful events of our encounter usher us to the revelation of His love.
Whether we have chosen to spend time in church to reflect upon the Paschal Mystery during last week or not, life goes on. Eventually, we will dive back into the demands of our daily routines. Holy Week and Easter Sunday would remain as just another liturgical season that provides a different ambiance of prayer space and manner of our worship. Am I assuming it justly? Or are we simply uninterested to reflect more on issues pertaining to our commitment to Christian discipleship?
I guess it is in this area of our faith that I would like to encourage everyone to be more conscious about. What does it take to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ? Is our participation in Sunday Masses, charitable apostolates, and other church liturgies enough? Is being an extraordinary liturgical minister or being a
committee chairperson, a satisfactory measure to be called a good disciple? Do we have clarity
on what is it that Jesus is asking from us to become His followers?
As the festivities of Easter continue, our lives also continue. In fact, for some, the liturgical commemoration of Easter morning was just like any ordinary Sunday. Except for others, who experienced or encountered a deeper meaning of salvation through the sacraments that we have celebrated during; then Easter Sunday and the meaning of Christian discipleship would certainly be different.
In what part of our lives have we seen the presence of Jesus being similar to the Resurrection? Which aspect of our daily routine is grasping for the presence of life that only Jesus can sustain? What needs to be renewed in our relationship with God and with each other? How can we make the Resurrection of Jesus an event that is realistic and life-giving instead of simply falling into the traditional practice of the Easter celebration?
Yes, Jesus has been raised from dead, and He will die no more! Our belief and conviction of this reality should be the living testimony of our proclamation. A joyful and blessed Easter to all.